Did you know that you actually make MORE money by using a scopist? Let me explain how!
Cost Benefit Analysis…
The numbers don’t lie. If you are taking yourself off the books to edit your own work, you are losing money!
Reporter A (with scopist)
Day One- 200 pages @ $3.25/ pg.
Earns $650.00
Pays Scopist $1.25/ pg. -$250.00
Day One Total $400.00
Day Two- 200 pages @ $3.25/ pg.
Earns $650.00
Pays Scopist $1.25/ pg. -$250.00
Day Two Total $400.00
Reporter A makes $800.00 with a 100% tax deduction of $500.00!
Reporter B (without scopist)
Day One- 200 pages @ $3.25/ pg.
Earns $650.00
No Scopist
Day One Total $650.00
Day Two- Takes self off the books to edit own work
Earns $0.00
Day Two Total $0.00
Reporter B makes $650.00.